PM article knowledge base

A knowledge management system for product managers to keep track of articles from product-related areas. Organize your interesting articles in one place based on field (product, design, engineering, and more), priority, labels, status, and score.

A knowledge management system for product managers to keep track of articles from product-related areas. Organize your interesting articles in one place based on field (product, design, engineering, and more), priority, labels, status, and score.

A knowledge management system for product managers to keep track of articles from product-related areas. Organize your interesting articles in one place based on field (product, design, engineering, and more), priority, labels, status, and score.


Product management







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Grow your PM knowledge

Grow your PM knowledge

Grow your PM knowledge

Article management

Save every article you read for future purposes

Knowledge management

Build personal knowledge library from now on

Interdisciplinary knowledge

Build skills from product-related fields

Organizing your articles matters. Set the status and priorities and learn about the most important topic for you at each moment.

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Learning product management requires a hollistic approach. The skills you need don't stop at product management. They overlap with many other product-related fields. It starts with project management, design, and engineering. But in time, it continues to marketing & sales, or ventures and startups in general.

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